From over 20 years of hiking, trekking, biking and paddling experience in northern Scandinavia, I have put together the ultimate Lapland tour; the best-of, so to speak. It includes the most beautiful national parks and many scenic highlights in Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian Lapland. Due to this enormous scope, i.e. both the individual tour destinations and the great distances to each other, as well as of course the equipment necessary for all these activities, this tour will take about six weeks, depending on the local conditions and weather. Here’s a quick look at some of the goals we’re aiming for; I will continue to add to this post until the tour starts.
Oulanka National Park (FIN)
Urko Kekkonen National Park (FIN)
Abisko National Park (SE)
Sarek National Park (SE)
Rago National Park (NOR)
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