Welcome to my website, a world-unique, comprehensive and, above all, independent collection of serious technical reports, detailed product reviews and high-quality photo documentation on everything to do with the outdoors. Due to its complexity, my website is still desktop-optimized; you will look in vain for content-castrated mobile views that change regularly.
From the beginning of its existence in 2014 up to and including today, this non-profit site is 100% free of annoying pop-ups, misleading links, dubious offers, paid advertising, affiliate systems, and lies of course. This of course also applies to my YouTube channel, which has existed since 2020 and on which I increasingly mirror the content of this site.
My motto, Backcountry Expeditions, means hinterland discovery trips, and stands for both unique adventure trips with an expedition character and a holistically conscious way of life; we travel as I live, sustainably. And as a passionate adventurer, I do this, of course, as nature shows us, radically honestly. I therefore stand for sincerity, authenticity, transparency, experience, knowledge and absolute reliability. In contrast to the lies of the opportunists, my opinion is fundamentally not for sale, based exclusively on rational facts, idealistic values, autodidactic knowledge and my own experiences.
Because our current, exploitative, socio-political system is increasingly damaging our planet, I live a primitivist, i.e. sustainable, counter-life lifestyle, and combine my actively practiced nature conservation with an appropriate amount of social criticism.
From self-sufficient, nomadic hiking in the wilderness, to adventurous paddling tours and worldwide 4×4 road trips, I organize adventure tours with you as a tour guide, organized by me personally. For the benefit of sustainable nature conservation and your authentic sense of adventure, exclusively in a very small group. I am not interested in financial gain (which I don’t need for my lifestyle anyway), but primarily in a meaningful improvement in your quality of life.
Privately, with friends, your colleagues, for students, or as part of a social-psychological project; many things are possible depending on your needs. On special request, I will also travel exclusively with you to your personal dream destination. As you might suspect, I am not a tour operator in the traditional sense, but as your trusted person I basically implement everything that I consider to be feasible and sustainably environmentally conscious.
Traveling around the world with all kinds of equipment, I work as a photo reporter to produce detailed and 100% independent product reviews. Due to the high demands placed on my expeditions and my conviction that sustainability is genuine, I only deal with high-quality outdoor products. Because advertising today is almost always opposed to free, independent, i.e. critical reporting, I expressly distance myself from the large number of mendacious influencers (so-called advertising whores) who, out of their own greed for profit, have increasingly formed a society of stupid consumer idiots and are thus also responsible for the ongoing destruction of our environment.
A „review“ supported by the manufacturer or seller almost always contains more lies than truths, because any appropriate and relevant criticism would always be at the expense of sales. My reviews, on the other hand, are exactly what all reviews should be by definition, but unfortunately only very few are: critical because honest because independent.
Far too many people today live fast and superficially, taking less and less time for the really important things in life, and planning their precious free time on more or less entertaining luxury holidays as a distraction from everyday life. Really long stays in remote regions are the exception, and the suppliers required for such things have become just as rare as well-thought-out, intensively tested and long-lasting products. Instead, financial measures to maximize profits predominate: controlled durability (planned obsolescence), entertaining model changes, questionable Far Eastern production, and as the PR crowning glory, the usual sustainability lies are increasingly common.
Because all of this not only bothers me ideologically, but has also increasingly been a thorn in my side on my tours (unsuitable equipment of the participants), and unlike desk-based companies, with my high level of experience I still know what really matters outdoors, since 2021 I have also been an independent product developer of high-quality outdoor equipment, Made in Germany, tested directly in the wild.
In today’s world, publicly representing a position like mine often leaves me with my back against the wall. In addition to problems caused by increasing restrictions on freedom of expression and active action against independent opinions, my non-profit public relations work is primarily lacking financial resources. For example, if I no longer publish reviews, there is simply no money left to buy new products. And if larger content on this website can no longer be found one day, I will be forced to switch to a cheaper server location. If there is no longer free reporting, the lies will cost you many times more money than the promotion of the truth would have done before, and your daily working hours will inevitably become more and more pointless.
Unfortunately, my independent work has not yet found any really tolerant sponsors, and I will not accept muzzles, i.e. speech prescriptions, as a matter of principle. So I am dependent on your help. If you like my honest, independent work and my informative reports and recommendations for a much more sustainable lifestyle help you, I would be happy to receive any kind of support, including food and animal feed donations. Thank you very much!
Note: This English site only exists in its basic form to convey to the reader what I am about. For the complete content I refer to the German main page.